Are you Applying the 3 Best Practices of Listening Intelligence in Remote Working?
Find out How!
Are you exhausted after a day of remote working? Most of us are, and that’s because listening remotely takes different skills and strategies than listening face to face. Want to know the 3 best practices for listening remotely? Join Laura Janusik, PhD/MBA, to find out. These skills will decrease fatigue, increase focus, and increase understanding!
ECHO Listening Intelligence has been researching the science of listening and its impact on team alignment for over 10 years. Participants have the opportunity to request the self-assessment prior to the webinar by emailing Laura. She will provide a debrief of your profile during the webinar, so have it handy!
The ECHO profile is a powerful tool that can be used to improve your own listening or improve your team’s listening to reduce miscommunication.
Laura Janusik is a dynamic speaker and a leading expert in researching and teaching listening. She uses her MBA and PhD in Communication to help groups and individuals interact with each other to increase trust and the bottom line. She’s a professor at Rockhurst University, and a trainer, coach, and consultant specializing in Listening Intelligence. Laura can be contacted at or through her website,
Take a FREE ECHO Listening Self-Assessment prior to the meeting and have your results available for the webinar! Email Laura at
This event is FREE, but pre-registration is required. Click HERE to register!